Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are pleased that you clicked on the website of the EU-funded project “Artificial Intelligence in the Euroregion Pomerania”.
What is this project about?
The digitization of radiology began around 2001. You may remember that at that time x-rays were still on film. With the support of the European Union, the entire image acquisition and image communication in medical specialties such as radiology or pathology could be digitized in many hospitals in the region.
The time was ripe for this step then; you may remember your first personal digital camera.Later, digital examinations were exchanged between hospitals according to the motto “Let data migrate – not patients”.
Few specialized departments were thus able to organize the night shift in radiology from central departments for the entire region. The care of the hospitals in Western Pomerania and Northern Brandenburg was taken over by 2 pathologies in the same way. This development took place parallel to the further development of the Internet. The next step in the handling of digital data in our society is certainly the use of artificial intelligence.
An example: Lane keeping assistants in cars use artificial intelligence to gently bring vehicles that are about to drive over the hard shoulder back onto the road. Pattern recognition is used for this; Visual impressions of the road are converted into files of numbers and our car recognizes when the front tire touches the hard shoulder.
The medicine on the German and Polish side of POMERANIA would like to take a closer look at artificial intelligence for the benefit of patients. To this end, the European Union is financing a series of lectures in winter and spring 2020/21 from the so-called “Fund for Small Projects”. Doctors and scientists on both sides of the border who have already gained experience with the use of artificial intelligence will present various aspects of artificial intelligence in lectures that they can stream from this side.
As a computer scientist, Professor Dr. Lars Kaderali, head of Kaderali lab, Institute of Bioinformatics of the University of Greifswald starts the lecture series with an overview of the topic. Also on October 12th, 2020, Dr. Marie-Luise Kromrey from the Radiology Department at the University of Greifswald presents a project to improve images in radiology. She carried out the investigations during a one-year research stay in Japan.
We thank the European Union and the Pomerania Association in Löcknitz for their financial support. Without this help, we would not be able to hold the lecture series in Covid-19 times in order to maintain the cooperation between people on both sides of the German-Polish border that has grown over the years.
Norbert Hosten Professor of Radiology, Chairman, Department of Radiology University Medicine Greifswald